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Products from Papertrophy

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Papier Einhorn Papercraft Bastelbogen Papertrophy Unicorn white & gold
We always believed in them: Of course there are unicorns. After all, we see them every day. Of course, in white, with a golden horn. And we also believe that this elegant paper specimen in low poly design would make a really nice animal...
$ 59.99 *
Papier Einhorn Papercraft Bastelbogen Papertrophy Unicorn black & gold
Of course there are unicorns. We always knew this. Of course, in black, with a golden horn. And with it, you are able to ride perfectly to the end of the rainbow. It is more likely, however, that this elegant paper specimen in low poly...
$ 59.90 *
Elefant papercraft papierfigur Wandtrophäe Elephant black & gold
Serenity, elegance and power - that's what our Papertrophy elephant stands for. In the color combination black & gold, all eyes will be drawn to him. With its upstretched trunk and the gold-colored thrusting tusks, the majestic animal...
$ 59.99 *
Doberman papertrophy paper animal dog Doberman black
An original Papertrophy ® design differs vastly from the regular crafting templates that you might know from kindergarten. Our carefully designed paper animals are delivered to your doorstep, machine-cut and pre-folded. In order to build...
$ 59.99 *
Papercraft lowpoly bear Bear white
An original Papertrophy® design differs vastly from the regular crafting templates that you might know from kindergarden. Our carefully designed paper animals are delivered to your doorstep, machine-cut and pre-folded. In order to build...
$ 44.90 * $ 54.90 *
papertrophy bär Bear brown
Les trophées et statuettes Papertrophy sont très différents des modèles artisanaux de votre enfance. Nos animaux de papier sont soigneusement conçus et livrés chez vous, prédécoupés à la machine et pré-pliés. Inutile d’être un expert en...
$ 54.99 *
Papier Hirsch Wandtrophäe Hirschgeweih XL Deer white & gold
Grace, elegance and power distinguish the king of the paper forest . Get these qualities with the wall trophy XL Deer in white and gold by Papertrophy for your home or office. With the elegant colour scheme, the filigree low poly design...
$ 89.99 *
Papier tiere falten, 3d origami , stier Bull black & white
This formidable wall trophy measures a considerable 54 x 46 x 36 cm and presents an elegant appearance as a black bull head with its white horns and the white nose ring. You can easily assemble this wall trophy by yourself made of...
$ 59.90 *
Papier tiere falten, 3d origami , stier Bull black & gold
Sometimes, but only sometimes you can hear the bulls snort - even if this animal trophy is made of paper and not at all real. Don't believe us? Yes, listen very carefully to your assembled piece of paper art. We make it easy for you:...
$ 59.99 *
Papiertier rot gold Bulle Stier wandtrophäe Bull red & gold
Even if this animal trophy made of paper is not at all real: You can sometimes hear the bulls snort. So, yes listen very carefully while assembling your paper work of art and then when the bull head is hanging on your wall. Perhaps you...
$ 59.90 *
Papier Hirsch Wand trophäe Hirschgeweih Deer black
Whether on white or colored painted walls - this animal trophy cuts a good figure measuring 58 x 35 x 31 cm everywhere. In order to assemble and fold together the pre-creased and pre-cut pieces, you do not need any origami skills. Thanks...
$ 59.99 *
Papier Wandhirsch Hirschkopf Deer gold & black
Do you want to be owner of a noble deer antlers without having a hunting license? Hunt down the animal head made of paper in elegant gold and classic black for your living room, office or the conference room. The wall trophy made of...
$ 59.99 *
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